WHEN LESTAT approached the tribute he was surprised at how calm she was. She just stood there as if ready to meet her maker.
"What are you doing child? Run... Are you anxious to die? Given up hope so soon?" He stood there puzzled for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. "Youre kind of ruining it for me is all. I like the chase you see..."
As he stepped towards her I tossed a bottle of bourbon at him drenching his fancy coat with it and then lit my trusty zippo and tossed it on him... LeStat burned to death in a matter of seconds as I poured more bourbon on him. As I stood over him and watched this lame poser, I had to tell him, "LeStat? As if. I know LeStat and youre not him... Loser... Any way if I didnt kill you, he would have... May as well call yourself Dracula, you poncy ninny."
As the flames raged and roared I moved the bait further back so as not to burn her... Then 1 waited to see who would see the fire first.... It wasnt Smoky the Bear that came out of the woods and into the clearing. oh no. It was actually a cowboy who called himself Tex and his cheap spoiled girlfriend, Bonnie, who was only there to help eat the girl and spend the winnings from the games...
As they looked at the burning corpse in front of them, they saw the co ed on the other side and started to walk toward her....
Before throwing Tex into the flames I drenched him with the rest of the beer he had sat down behind him and threw him in... with a broken leg... Bonnie saw him fall in and then vamped out to attack me... The fur she was wearing lit up like a roman candle as I spilled her beer on it and shoved her into the flames.... "Damn, sometimes its just too easy." I said but she jumped out of the flames and on to me... and my stake... "Come on now.... its like youre not even trying to win... Youre giving vamps a bad name... no really." As Bonnie turned to dust, I heard the leaves rustling behind me and knew that another was close by... "Well, three down and two to go... ay?" I went into the woods with stake in hand and searched for the noisy hunter approaching....
"What are you doing child? Run... Are you anxious to die? Given up hope so soon?" He stood there puzzled for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. "Youre kind of ruining it for me is all. I like the chase you see..."
As he stepped towards her I tossed a bottle of bourbon at him drenching his fancy coat with it and then lit my trusty zippo and tossed it on him... LeStat burned to death in a matter of seconds as I poured more bourbon on him. As I stood over him and watched this lame poser, I had to tell him, "LeStat? As if. I know LeStat and youre not him... Loser... Any way if I didnt kill you, he would have... May as well call yourself Dracula, you poncy ninny."
As the flames raged and roared I moved the bait further back so as not to burn her... Then 1 waited to see who would see the fire first.... It wasnt Smoky the Bear that came out of the woods and into the clearing. oh no. It was actually a cowboy who called himself Tex and his cheap spoiled girlfriend, Bonnie, who was only there to help eat the girl and spend the winnings from the games...
As they looked at the burning corpse in front of them, they saw the co ed on the other side and started to walk toward her....
Before throwing Tex into the flames I drenched him with the rest of the beer he had sat down behind him and threw him in... with a broken leg... Bonnie saw him fall in and then vamped out to attack me... The fur she was wearing lit up like a roman candle as I spilled her beer on it and shoved her into the flames.... "Damn, sometimes its just too easy." I said but she jumped out of the flames and on to me... and my stake... "Come on now.... its like youre not even trying to win... Youre giving vamps a bad name... no really." As Bonnie turned to dust, I heard the leaves rustling behind me and knew that another was close by... "Well, three down and two to go... ay?" I went into the woods with stake in hand and searched for the noisy hunter approaching....